• 100% installation of the latest design roller bearing assemblies for maximum lifter durability and longevity.
• Early-style heads receive NEW updated valve seats which are press-fit to tighter specifications to ensure seat retention.
• Block and head surface finishes are machined to a 50-150 Rz finish to prevent external leaks.
• MLS (Multi-Layered Steel) head gaskets ensure superior protection against gasket leakage. Our MLS gasket is also more robust to maintain the correct compression ratio.
• Torque-plate honing, provides cylinder wall geometry that matches the cylinder head as a complete running assembly, for improved ring sealing.
• Re-engineered JASPER piston design features:
- Full-floating pin to reduce pin bore scuffing.
- Twice the piston skirt (thrust area) for improved durability and reduced piston scuffing tendency.
- Graphite coated piston skirts help prevent piston scuffing and dry start-up.
- Additional center skirt drain backs provide 3X more oil return.
• Nitrided valve upgrade improves heat resistance and reduces valve guide wear.
• To prevent bearing damage, crankshafts are machined and micro-polished to JASPER’s exact and proven specifications for improved, more precise oil tolerances and longer bearing life.
• High-temperature fluoroelastomer polymer (FPM) rear seal is installed to prevent oil leaks.
• Live-Run Testing, with Data Acquisition and other assessments for your assurance of reliability, includes:
- Compression
- Vacuum
- Oil Pressure
3 Year / 100,000 Mile Nationwide
Transferable Warranty
upon request. Specifications subject to change without notice.
Product Videos
Jasper Engines & Transmissions - Chrysler 5.7L HEMI Piston Design Update
Jasper Engines & Transmissions - Chrysler 5.7L Hemi Valve Seat Update
Jasper Engines & Transmissions - Chrysler 5.7L HEMI Head Gasket Update
Chrysler 5.7L Hemi Engines
Value-Added Quality Improvements from JASPER
Issue / Concern:
Lifter/Roller Failure
JASPER Solution:
100% installation of NEW (15-needle) roller bearing assemblies. The pin is improved with a through-hardening process followed by a case-hardening procedure for maximum lifer durability and longevity.
Dropped Valve Seats
Early-style heads receive tighter press-fit seats to ensure seat retention.
Head Gasket Leaks
Surface finish on heads and blocks are machined to a 50-150 Rz finish to protect against external leaks.
Installation of MLS (Multi-Layered Steel) head gaskets with a larger firing ring bore to improve sealing and more robust in design to maintain OE compression ratio.
Oil Consumption
JASPER includes a stronger, more robust piston ring pack for greater durability, better heat resistance, and improved oil control as compared to OE.
Torque-plate honed to simulate cylinder bore distortion, which occurs after block/head assembly, ensuring correct bore roundness.
Additional center skirt drain backs provide 3X more oil return.
Dry Start-up and Piston Scuffing
- Full-floating pin to reduce pin bore scuffing.
- Twice the piston skirt (thrust area) for improved durability and reduced scuffing tendency.
- Graphite coated piston skirts help prevent piston scuffing and dry start-up.
Valve Guide Wear
100% installation of NEW nitrided engine valves for improved heat resistance and reduced valve guide wear.
Low Oil Pressure/Knocking
Micro-polished crankshafts are machined to exact tolerances for improved, more precise oil tolerances and longer bearing life.
Oil Leaks and Runability Issues
High-temperature fluoroelastomer polymer (FPM) rear seal is installed to prevent oil leaks
Every engine is live-run tested to verify proper compression, vacuum, and oil pressure. JASPER also performs a black light leak test to ensure the unit is leak-free.
MDS Delete
- JASPER offers MDS Delete as an option for select Ram 1500 5.7L Hemi engines.
- MDS Delete engine will have a Non-MDS Cam, 16 standard lifters, and MDS solenoid plugs installed.
- MDS Delete option is 49-state compliant. Not legal for use or sale in California.
- JASPER includes a Diablo programmer with all MDS Delete engines.
- Diablo programmer is 50-state legal and available for purchase with standard replacement engines. (CARB E.O. D-770).